No Credit Card is required to start your FREE 30 Day Trial!

ShipWorks & ShipStation also offer a FREE 30 day trial. MailChimp and Campaign Monitor offer free entry levels - so there's is NO RISK for you to start NOW! Our wizard guides you through the set-up so you can experience the benefits of myECommerceHub TODAY!

Please contact us if you have any questions or if we may be of assistance.

Welcome to myECommerceHub

Are you ready to make shipping management easier and efficient? Will engaging automated eMail campaigns improve customer service and generate increased revenue?

myECommerceHub provides the integration of your e-Commerce website with third party providers like shipping management solutions and eMail Marketing services. You'll gain operating efficiencies, increased data accuracy, reduced operating costs and improved customer service! With myECommerceHub, you'll have more time to focus on and grow your business.

Let us help you streamline your order processing and improve your engagement with your customers!

Why use MyECommerceHub?

Improve Efficiency

Speed-up Order Processing

Increase Accuracy

Save Time

Save Money

Improve Customer Service

Centralize Order Processing

Cross Channel Reporting




MyECommerce Hub connects to AspDotNetStorefront enabling you to process your orders through other third party systems.


AspDotNetStorefront preFIX

MyECommerce Hub connects to AspDotNetStorefront preFIX enabling you to process your orders through other third party systems.


Active-e & AIMsi

MyECommerce Hub connects to Active-e / AIMsi POS enabling you to process your orders through other third party systems.



MyECommerce Hub connects to nopCommerce enabling you to process your orders through other third party systems.


Shipping Management Systems


My eCommerce Hub connects to ShipStation enabling you to ship your orders through ShipStation and automatically update tracking information back to your storefront.



My eCommerce Hub connects to ShipWorks enabling you to ship your orders through ShipWorks and automatically update tracking information back to your storefront.


email Marketing Solutions


My eCommerce Hub connects to MailChimp to send your order contacts and abandoned carts to your MailChimp account automatically. Take advantage of marketing automation. Engage your loyal customers. Re-capture lost sales.


Campaign Monitor

My eCommerce Hub connects to Campaign Monitor to add order contacts to your e-mailing list automatically.  Not it is even easier to engage your loyal customers.


Process orders up to 10X faster

Tired of logging into your storefront to print your orders to process them? And then hand entering the data into UPS Worldship to print the labels for shipping? And then....logging back into your storefront to update the tracking numbers and mark the order as shipped? 

myECommerceHUB is your solution!

myECommerceHUB will automate the data transmission between your eCommerce storefront and shipping management application. And you will free up precious time, eliminate data entry errors, lower costs and increase efficiencies!  WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Sign-up for your FREE trial NOW!


myECommerceHub integrates storefronts like AspDotNetStorefront and nopCommerce with shipping management solutions like ShipWorks and ShipStation, and with eMail Marketing systems like Campaign Monitor and MailChimp.

With myECommerceHub, everything is automated so the data transfer just happens. It really is that easy.

Multiple Selling Channels?

Have multiple storefronts in AspDotNetStorefront's MoreStore or nopCommerce Multi-Store? myECommerceHub is ready to support you.

Our connectors are smart. They know which store has the order and they transmit the order information to the correct shipping management application and then returns the shipping information to the correct store! 

Our Clients Say It Best

The Music Den has been using MyEcommerceHub with equaTEK since 2017 and it has been great. The amount of time it saves us everyday is incredible. Orders come through exactly as they should. No more time wasted manually entering orders. The dashboard is clean and efficient, easy to navigate, and contains the pertinent info I need. 

What really sets equaTEK apart from other API and tech companies I deal with is the customer service. When I need to reach out to them with questions or the rare problem (usually from something I have done wrong) they are quick to respond and address the issue. They will even call me on the phone if need be to make sure everything is working well or to just check in. It amazes me how many tech companies today do not even have a phone.

All in all, I truly value our relationship with Mike, Dave, and the crew. As a retailer they allow me do what I do best and I have no worries about what they are doing for us.

Jason Pitt COO

Get Started Today!

Signing-up with myECommerceHub is simple.
Our registration wizard will walk you through the steps to get your storefront and your provider(s) connected.